The Green Room sku’s were developed with one goal in mind. To reduce or fully eliminate waste generated from single-use products to assist our hotel partners in reaching their sustainable goals.


We strive to “lead by example” implementing sustainable product placement into hotel guestrooms. Inspiring Chains and Distributors to make informed decisions with responsible products, we believe our efforts will positively impact the environment.





Taking care of our planet and resources is a top priorities at Amenity Services and we are
proud to partner with several organizations that promote these ideas:

• Forest Stewardship Council

• Fair Trade USA

• Rainforest Alliance

• Our Award-Winning B Corporation Certified roasting plant is powered by 100% green,
carbon free energy harvested from natural and renewable sources.

We have made great strides in introducing recyclable and compostable materials into our products
and packaging, and continue to look for ways in which we can improve our practices and use of sustainable materials.

When possible, we strive to develop new production runs with the following:

What Is BEDA®?

Plastic Without Compromise

Products with BED Biodegrade in landfill conditions

How It Works
BEDA® formula attracts microorganisms (microbes) to plastics -
initiating degradation.

Microbes attach onto plastic products
Microbes excrete Carbon Dioxide (food for plant life) and Methane (can be captured and turned into energy) 
No toxic residue or heavy metals harmful to living organisms
Oxygen or sunlight is not needed for degradation
Does not require commercial composting
Degrades in normal landfills
ASTM-D5511 & D5338 Independent Laboratory tested

BEDA® (Bio-Enhanced Degradable Additive) is a proprietary additive that when added to other plastics it allows for the material to naturally biodegrade in traditional landfill environments.  

Recyclable with your normal recycling program
Biodegradation is the breakdown of organic matter by micro-organisms, such as bacteria and fungi




Ask about exclusive Coffee Brands available for Chain programs!